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"Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed,
and all things are ready: come unto the marriage!" [Mt 22:4]


Weekly Catholic education and apostolate meetings (normally each Sunday at noon, hence the name "Catho-Noon").


1450 des Pins, à Sillery. (See complete address and the directions to get there)


Every Sunday, from 12h00 AM to 1h00 PM.

(It's difficult to reconcile everybody's schedules, so it's expected that some will arrive after 12h00 AM, and others will leave before 1h00 PM. We'd just ask you to make an effort not to disturb the others.)

For whom?

By and large, all are welcome!

(Nevertheless, you'll understand that these are Catholic spiritual meetings. If you want to argue against the Church, we'll be happy to discuss this with you, but after 1h00 PM. After the "Catho-Noon", the catholicotherapy sessions are free!)

What's for lunch?

Finally, an important question! :-)

Of course, you can always bring your lunch. Otherwise, I'll go buy you some excellent ready-made dishes at the "Roset" grocery store on Maguire street. Yum! Yum!


The idea for "Catho-Noon" came when a group of Catholics was looking for regular meetings that were:

1) Free, or almost free;

2) Short! No "dawdling with the puck!";

3) Spiritually very "nutritious";

4) As effective as possible, for the promotion of Jesus Christ, the Defence of the Church, as well as Christian Philosophy and Politics.


Here's how a typical "Catho-Noon" proceeds:

12h00: Breviary. In Latin, as soon as we'll have received our Breviary from Rome.

12h15: Meal, taken (at least in part) in monastic silence, while listening to a spiritual reading.

12h45: Education or apostolate activity (see following point for a few suggestions).

1h00 PM: End.

What education or apostolate activities?

Here are a few suggestions:

- Mini course in Philosophy, or Theologie, or Apologetics, or Christian prayer, etc.

- Handing out pro-life leaflets at the shopping mall.

- Debate or information session in a local high-school or university.

- Quickie meeting for the Christian Heritage Party Electoral District Association (CHP EDA; Federal, François Labrecque).

- Quickie meeting for the Christian Democracy Party Electoral District Association (QCD EDA; Provincial, Francis Denis).

- Encouraging or discussing with a local pastor (we'd invite Priests from the surrounding Parishes to come and have lunch with us). These Priests would be impressed with a relatively young group that is faithful to the Pope, etc.

- Information session on a religious movement. For example, we could ask the Neo-Catechumenal Way, or the Focolari, or the Opus Dei, etc., to send someone to come and have lunch with us, so we could learn more about them.

Bon appétit! (spiritually and physically!)

The first Catho-Noon
2006-July-28: The first ever Catho-Noon, with Francis Denis, Stefan Jetchick, and Father Marcel Drouin (87 years old!)
passing on good advice to Guillaume Canac-Marquis (18 years old!), who is thinking about the Priesthood.

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