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Nine Months Minus One Day

Stefan Jetchick
Stefan Jetchick

(Note: This is the text of the flyer I used during the 2006 Federal elections.)

I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have three questions.

First question: How come an unborn baby, at nine months minus one day (in other words, just before it is born), is not considered a human person in our country? Currently, in Canada, anybody can kill any pre-born child for any reason, from zero to nine months (minus one day). Even most pro-choicers find that aberrant!

Second question: How come Parliament cannot even pass a new law, even though a majority of Canadians are in favor of some restrictions on abortion? As we speak, our democracy appears to have been taken hostage by the Supreme Court of Canada. Even if we all wanted to open our eyes and listen to common sense, we could not pass a law forbidding parents to kill their children at nine months minus one day!

Third question: How come none of the major political parties in this federal election are even talking about this issue? It's as if it was illegal to even mention the existence of this problem! Shouldn't we at least be having an intelligent and democratic debate about this?

Please, if somebody can help answer my questions, I would be most grateful.

Stefan Jetchick

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