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Correspondence with Ms. Lauren Kirchner
(www.ProPublica.com; "Documenting Hate" Project)

Ms. Lauren Kirchner.
Ms. Lauren Kirchner.

Table of contents

1) S. Jetchick (2017-August-20)

1) S. Jetchick (2017-August-20)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Questions for Ms. Kirchner from Quebec City, Canada
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2017 14:09:39 -0400
From: Stefan Jetchick
To: lauren.kirchner (add the at sign here) propublica.org
CC: info (add the at sign here) propublica.org

Quebec City, August 20, 2017.

Good day Ms. Lauren Kirchner,

I spend a lot of time on the website called JihadWatch.org,
so I cannot claim my sources of information have a lot of


That disclaimer being made, I had some questions about
the letter you apparently sent to Mr. Spencer (and others).
My first question concerns "hate", more precisely **the
definition** of hate.

I ask this because, as a Catholic, I **must** hate in
order to get to Heaven. My God **orders me** to hate.

Since you might have doubts about that assertion, here are
some relevant quotes from the Bible and the Catechism of
the Catholic Church (CCC):

	"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil"
	Pr 8:13

	"I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked."
	Ps 26:5

	"Equally odious to God are the evildoer and his evil deed"
	Sg 14:9

	"[Don't] commit this horrible deed which I hate!"
	Jr 44:4

	"When you begin to abhor what you have made, it is then
	that your good works are beginning, since you are
	accusing yourself of your evil works"
	CCC, #1458

	"Liberation in the spirit of the Gospel is incompatible
	with hatred of one's enemy as a person, but not with hatred
	of the evil that he does as an enemy.
	CCC, #1933

	[Source: www.inquisition.ca/corr/lemieux_lefevbre_jasmin_en.htm#s1p1]

The Catholic Church clearly teaches hatred:

	"Love the sinner, HATE the sin"

So why go after **one** symptom, and carefully avoid
**one of the leading Causes**? Why go after a slew of
little "rinky-dink" bloggers, when you could deal with just
one web site (www.vatican.va)?

If you have time for a second question, I would like to know
if you consider these flyers to be "hate":






I ask this second and last question because I'm currently in
the process of "carpet-bombing" the City of Quebec with
"Love Tubes" (i.e. those 5 flyers rolled together).

Thank you very much, and have a nice day!

Stefan Jetchick
[Usual contact information]

Web version of this e-mail: www.inquisition.ca/corr/kirchner_lauren.htm

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